Maybe you are at this crossroads in life and wondering which erotic toy to choose. There is no point in downplaying this problem. And how important this decision is, you will learn from my fairy tale. However, if you are a person who likes specifics and you have outgrown fairy tales long ago, please read the last paragraph.
Imagine your dilemma as a fork in the road, with you standing in the middle wondering which one to take. You are looking at a signpost with two arrows pointing in opposite directions. Left to Rozkosz, quickly, right to Rozkosz, it depends.
You've heard so much about this Delight that you just want to be there! Besides, today is a normal working day and in an hour you have to be with a different hairstyle, different clothes and in a different place. So without much thought, you head towards…
Delight, fast
After the first bend you find an electric scooter, and the road is wide, asphalt and who knows how long. You decide to take advantage of the benefits of civilization and jump on the vehicle. At first you are a little timid when using the speed control lever. You look around a bit, there are forests on the left, a stream on the right... It would be nice to get your feet wet, but the path to it is rocky, so you'd have to walk a lot. Too bad, you keep going.
The road is really charming. You pass flowery meadows, but you didn't have time to recognize what kind of flowers were growing there. They flashed by so quickly that they blurred in our eyes, like colorful comets, leaving behind. Then you saw a dried apple tree. In contrast to the lush green flora surrounding you, it was an extremely depressing image. Rotten and dried fruit still hung on the leafless branches. You definitely step on the gas to leave the spine-chilling sight behind you as quickly as possible and enjoy the crazy ride again without any worries.
The exciting speed manifests itself in goosebumps and flying hair, and the road begins to go down the slope and now you feel that you are still going, but you are already flying a bit. Your stomach is filled with a million butterflies, flapping their wings harder and harder. Through your eyes, closed against the wind, you notice that the road has unexpectedly changed into the Wielka Krokiew inrun, along which you are driving at the speed of light! And you will soon reach the threshold. You squeeze your eyes shut.
You're flying. Your body will explode with a million butterflies. You float slowly in the air like an astronaut. The whole world has stopped and you're drifting. Your hand comes across this wonderful electrical invention that has brought you to this place, to Bliss. Who would have thought that such an inconspicuous vehicle could provide such emotions. Could you have imagined it better?
Delight, it depends
One day you find yourself at a well-known crossroads again. The only unknown in this situation is the road described on the signpost as Rozkosz, it depends. Out of pure curiosity, you direct your steps there. After a dozen or so meters, it turns out that the road is almost a mirror image of the previous one, with the difference that there is no electric scooter waiting around the bend. Today is your day off and the weather is great, so you keep going. And just like before... on one side you pass a forest covered with berry bushes. After a while, you become the berry queen and move on with your lips painted purple.
A stream flows along the road. Without thinking, you take off your shoes and wade forward with the current. You step carefully, sometimes tripping over stones, sometimes getting stuck in the soft sand. You reach a flowery meadow along the stream, where you take a longer stop to smell and admire the flowers. You weave a wreath of wild flowers and, all dressed up, you set off on your journey.
You expect that ominous tree to appear at any moment and you begin to wish you had the speed lever at hand to cleverly bypass difficult emotions again. From a safe distance, you look at the dried, spreading branches, the dead trunk and the thick roots aimlessly reaching into the ground. You slowly start to recognize this place. Someone hurt you here, someone took something from you without asking that you didn't want to share. It was so long ago. You felt angry, powerless and weak. So you stopped watering this memory, letting it wither and disappear.
You sat down under an apple tree and fell apart into a million salty drops. They fell thickly and steadily, soaking into the dried crust of the soil. You wrapped your arms around yourself as if you were hugging that hurt and resentful girl who, like you, was now sitting alone, stunned with grief and a sense of injustice.
When you stood up and were ready to continue your journey, you noticed small buds on the branches of the apple tree. This was your hardest moment on the road. But now you feel incredibly light. You are deeply moved and aware of the hardship you have experienced, at the same time grateful and enveloped in a sense of relief. It's time to move on.
You already know that the great descent ending with a hill is about to begin! It was such an amazing path, changing with emotions like in a kaleidoscope, that this jump from the threshold of Wielka Krokiew will be the icing on this cake of experiences. Faster and faster... You jump... And things happen that are not written about, because you simply experience them with every cell of your body.
A small summary for enthusiasts of specifics and not wrapping themselves in metaphors
In fact, it's worth having both a vibrator and a dildo. The vibrator allows you to achieve an intense orgasm quite quickly, or even multiple orgasms. A dildo, on the other hand, requires much more muscle work, as well as an appropriate approach to your own body with kindness and curiosity.
In the case of a vibrator, we usually have several work programs to choose from, which means we can adjust both the power and the vibration frequency. In the case of a dildo, the driving force is our or our partner's hand. What's more, a ceramic dildo conducts heat very well. You can warm them in hot water or put them in the fridge - such a refreshing change!
The undoubted advantage of the dildo is that we have complete control over it and can perform, for example, pussy mapping (Yoni mapping), i.e. a massage aimed at finding places inside and outside the pussy where we feel pain, places where nothing we don't feel or experience pleasure. Yoni mapping practiced regularly allows for a deeper understanding of your body and your preferences, and can also relieve pain and tension and improve blood supply to the reproductive organs, making orgasmic pleasure much more intense. And more on this subject, soon.